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MGMT 4250 - Management Consulting (Fall 2022): 2. Company Profiles

Company History

Company Rankings

Business Source Premier (Company Profiles)

1. In Business Source Premier, choose Company Profiles.

2. Browse or search by company name. Some Company Profiles include SWOT Analysis.

LexisNexis Corporate Affiliations (Company Profiles & Corporate Hierarchies)

1. In the database, enter the company name to search.

2. From the Results list, choose the company to open its profile, further click CORPORATE HIERARCHY.

Passport (Company Profiles & Other Analysis)

1. In Passport, start a search using the Companies tab on the top menu bar or simply by entering the company name, e.g. Apple Inc, in the search box, then click GO.

2. On the results page, the STATISTICS tab shows choices for company shares and brand shares. If necessary, refine your search using the options available on the left side of the screen.

For company profiles, go to ANALYSIS.

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