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Engineering Research: Using Bibliometrics

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Citation counts (or times cited) is usually regarded as an indicator of the article's impact within its discipline. In addition, tracking the forward & backward citations of an article can help you identify related information about your topic.

Web of Science (WOS) and Scopus provide tools for citation analysis. However, these tools have their own limitations and coverage, and they should be used with caution in evaluating research.

The following examples will show you how to find citation numbers from Web of Science (WoS).

Find Citation Counts

Citation Count of a Known Title

Article: "A survey of corporate governance" by Shleifer, A., and Vishny, RW.

  1. On the search page, enter the "Article Title" (i.e. "Deep Neural Networks for Acoustic Modeling in Speech Recognition"), and select Title from the pull-down menu and click Search.
    Web of Search title search
  2. The Times Cited number indicates how many articles indexed in WoS are citing this paper. Use Cited Reference Search to include citations to items not indexed within WoS (see Cited Reference Search).
  3. Click Times Cited link to show all 2,030 citing articles. 
    Web of Science shows times cited of a title

    (Notes: Journals indexed by WoS, access to the Times Cited records is limited to the institution's subscription.)


Citation Report

You can search for a topic, an organization or an author to generate a citation report. The Citation Report provides aggregate citation statistics for a set of search results, including:

  • published items in each year
  • citations in each year
  • average citations per item
  • h-index: h-index of 45 means at least 45 items have been cited 45 times; it helps discount the disproportionate weight of highly cited papers or papers that have not yet been cited.

Web of Science Citation Report

Web of Science Online Tutorials

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